Raw Forest Honey 500grams


High pollen honey

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  • Forest honey is harvested from naturally build beehives found in trees of Indian forests.
  • We do not add any flavours to it
  • It contains high pollen content.
  • It has high moisture content due to high humidity in forest area, hence more liquid
  • we do not reduce moisture content of forest honey by heating, as it will reduce quality of honey.
  • Due to high pollen, the taste depends upon the pollen in honey.
  • Strong in aroma due to high pollen content.
  • Dark in colour.
  • Taste will be completely different form less pollen honey but still sweet.
  • Kids will not like high pollen honey due to pollen smell, but suitable for adults.
  • Not preferred for mixing with tea or juices, as pollen will float on top of the tea or juices.
  • The pollen taste will effect the taste of tea and other food stuffs

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